Teisco Mania on eBay - and other traditional gems not gettin' the love

Teisco Mania on eBay - and other traditional gems not gettin' the love

Strange trend happening on eBay right now. Teisco's are getting snatched up at until recently unheard of prices and some traditional low-end collectible (and very playable) guitars not generating the buzz or dollars they should be able to command.

Here is a list of recent eBay Teisco sales - all in the last 30 days

Teisco VN-4 baritone - $381 on Nov 13
Kawai-St. George 4 pickup electric - $586 (+ $68 shipping) on Nov 6.
Teisco Crescendo teardrop vox copy - $660 on Oct. 27
Teisco Kent SS-4L - $749 on Oct 26
Teisco T-60 repair project - $566 on Oct 23
Teisco SS-4L (non-gold foil model) - $611 on Oct 22
Teisco SS-4L Gold foil - $708 on Oct 21

I am not trying to fuel any kind of Teisco buying spree but i do want to alert my readers that as an apparent result of this new MIJ focus some nice USA guitars from the 1960's are going for cheap prices like the Silvertone 1457 that sold with it's amp in case yesterday for only $411 + $30 shipping. That was a nice guitar for a very low price. Harmony and Kay lovers should keep a close watch on the bay. - JC

- Teisco Guitar Collection In Milwaukee Wi
This seller posted a comment on the Hofner guitar below linking to his sale so I am doing him the courtesy of posting directly to his listing. These are mostly Spectrums and ET-200 guitars but those Teisco basses are pretty interesting (and uncommon)....

- Holy Crap Batman - Zim-gar (teisco) Ssl-4 Sells For $1225 On Ebay!
Looks like the Vintagae MIJ Guitar Bubble is NOW! Less than 6 months ago I was amazed when a Teisco SSL-4 sold for $565 on eBay (see my May 3, 201 posting) but look at this auction that just went down with 32 bids. Your basic run of the mill ZIM-GAR...

- Better Start Hoarding Those Teiscos - Check This Out - Ss4-l Goes For $565 On Ebay
I haven't been tracking eBay sales much lately but I guess the low end market is coming back faster than the high end stuff. Check out this Teisco SS4-L that went for $565 + $40 shipping on March 16th. Heck, it doesn't even have the Teisco logo...

- Teisco Goldfoils Guitar In Seattle - Collector Grade For $295
I'vew owned a few Teisco'sin my day but I've never seen a 35 year old guitar in this kind of shape - wow! That is clean. Too bad the Teisco badge ismissing - but it still looks very nice to me. The pics are too large for me to copy here...

- Teisco Tulip In Orange County Ca For $150
This is the correct price for this 2 pickup teisco guitar - though i have seen them listed for much more. It has the original lheadstock logo and the temolo arm all intact. that's as good as it gets. These are very light guitars and they don't...

