Some of the Vintage Tube Amp Deals on eBay right now

Some of the Vintage Tube Amp Deals on eBay right now

Here is a quick listing of some of the more interesting Vintage Tube amp deals available on eBay right now.  the Rickenbacker M-11 and the Spiegel Amp (same circuit as a 50's tweed champ) look very enticing:


Orpheus Tube Amp for $145 BIN

This appears to be a 50L6 amp with a 12AX7 in the preamp.  Like a little Valco or Gretsch lap steel model. 


 Nice Chicago Blues Box similar to a Harmony H200 or Premier 120.  Electromuse was in some way related to Rickenbacker.  Who can resist a guitar amp with a "brilliance" switch LOL! - JC

Vintage Electromuse 10A tube guitar amp 40's or so 2 6V6's Valco Supro

RICKENBACKER M-11 - classic early guitar amp model that goes back to the 1930's.  Some believe an inspiration for the Fender Deluxe.  Hal Lindes, former Rhythm Guitar for Dire Straits described a Rick M-11 like this:  "This is without question the best amp I've ever had the pleasure to play through. It utilizes a mixture of the Tweed Deluxe and the Tweed Bassman components which allow the pure tones of the guitar to sing in an uncolored and totally natural amplified state. I have never come across another amp like it."- JC


Spiegal tube amp for $260 BIN- a 1940's era guitar amp with the basic tube circuit of a Fender Tweed Champ.  - JC






- Electromuse 1940's Lap Steel In North Nj For $200
This seller is offering an Electromuse lap steel for $200.   Depending on whom you ask, Electromuse can sometimes get credit for inventing the first electric guitar pickup sometime in the 1930's.  I also believe there is some distant...

- Electromuse Tube Amp In St. Louis For $100
Regular readers of this blog may recall another Electtromuse amp I highlighted in Iowa a while back - that one was also going for $100.  There is no pic on the listing but this is likely a fairly similar amp - upper shelf Chassis with a 10 inch alnico...

- 1958 Gibson Ga-5 Tube Combo Amp In Grand Rapids, Michigan For $250
This is a 1958 Gibson GA-5 Skylark - a real tweed era amp for a decent price.  This one looks to be a "transition" Skylark because it still has the Tweed Cabinet but not the exact same TV front design as the original Les Paul Jr. Amp. The...

- Sound Projects (lectrolab) R200b In Buffalo Ny For $200
I have never seen this "Telleno" brand label before so it must have been a local Music Store or distributor in NY state.  Anyway this is a Lectrolab R200B.  I normally wouldn't get excited abut one of these for $200 except that...

- Silvertone 1482 Tube Amp In Detroit Area For $300
If you are only going to have one non-Fender tube amp from the 1960's then many would agree that the Silvertone 1482 would be the one to have.  These are really outstanding tube amps and very useful for home or studio recording.  ...

