Slade - Great songs - Powerful delivery. . . .

Slade - Great songs - Powerful delivery. . . .

Happy New Year to you all. :)

This year, I'm going to do something a bit different.

There is still a long way to go in the collection but this is
something that I get asked and I, in turn, ask other people.
What are your musical influences, early favourite bands,
later favourite bands and what numbers do you gig?
Fair enough, sounds like a good idea.

Musical influences would need some long thought, before
I put finger to keyboard but early favourites would have to
include Slade.
Nothing more to say, I grew up on this sort of stuff and I
still love to listen to it now.

On another note, Peter Frampton has been reunited with his
Les Paul.
I bet he is so excited!!

Must dash - More stuff next week.

Cheers. :)

- Supposedly Ultra-rare Burns Flyte Guitar In Red Finish... Original Or Refinish? I hope that regular readers will forgive me for returning yet again to one of my favourite guitars. Of course we all have our favourites; mine include the Ovation Breadwinner, the Yamaha SG-2 and SG-3, and - the guitar we are looking...

- Jaydee Twin Neck At The Cryer Gig. . . . .
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- A Few Questions To Answer. . . . .
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- More Sketches
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- Solder Soldiers- Lyle Cline Of Boneshaker Pedals
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