Peter Cook Axis Guitar - One of only 8 made. .

Peter Cook Axis Guitar - One of only 8 made. .

Well, the time has come. . . . .

Ladies and Gentlemen, the Peter Cook Axis Guitar!

I would normally, at this point, insert some script and then add
image and them some more script but I think on this occasion,
I'll let you feast your eyes on this little lot! :)

I would like to bet that you scrolled up and down for another look!!

When I did the feature about Peter's work, I detailed the Axis Bass
I have, which includes all the details about the electrics - they are 
the same on the guitar.

Axis Bass

If you scroll down on this link, you will see more details and a Les
Paul type, whith what looks like the same controls.


The circuit designer. 

Tony Koorlander  

This guitar is just Quality.

At present, I don't really have the tricks to put sound clips on 
the posts - I am going to, in the future and when I do, this will
be the first I do.

Peter was over the moon whe I told him I had tracked another
one down.
He hasn't seen this in real life, since it left his workshop!!

At some point soon, I intend to re-unite their acquaintance! :)

I think that will do for now.

Go on, have another scroll up and down!!

Cheers. :)


I was waiting for Peter to confirm the details of the wood that he used,
as I was pretty sure but not 100%.
This is his reply.

"Hi Eric
It's a Rosewood Neck & Body with Maple stripes"

If you have landed on this page and you want to go to the 
latest post, go here:
Latest post. 


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