pedal board and canned peaches

pedal board and canned peaches

This is another version of the pedal board I use for one of my current projects - with just guitar and voice. I'm quite happy with the strange synth sounds I get by combining the auto-wah and the reverse delay (as you can hear in the video down there), or the Blue Box and the Carbon Copy... I still have to get my Sovtek Big Muff fixed, or acquire a new fuzz - hopefully a Devi Ever FX Soda Meiser, until then I'm good with the Boss... 

In that case I don't use the looper for music but I always include it to make the sound check - when I play in a café or a small theatre I can just loop a few notes and go into the room to listen then adjust my amp - it makes my life much easier... 

- Concert/reading In Vienna
My current music projects include a new collaboration with writer Ines Birkhan for a series of concerts/readings - and we premiere a new one, called Dosenpfirsich (Canned Peach - it's in German but we plan to make an english version at some point),...

- Plutoneium Chi-wah-wah And Hotone Skyline Wally
I recently expanded my pedal board with the acquisition of two great pedals… First I finally put my hands on a Plutoneium Chi-Wah-Wah, and my life has changed: I'm now able to use a wah effect - to use it and abuse of it: one more week of practice...

- Pedal Rig
This was my pedal rig for the last concert of Soft Power Ensemble of Vienna: from right to left (this is not the order in which they are plugged, it's more complicated!), an auto-wah by Z. Cat (a small company in Latvia that makes quite...

- Pedalboard Project
A man my age should have a proper pedalboard, thought I last week, mostly because I'm fed up loosing 20 minutes unpacking, plugging, unplugging and repacking my pedals each time I go to the studio to rehearse. Because I never have...

- Huge Lot Of Hand Wired Custom Guitar Pedals In Oshkosh Wi Area - At Good $
This seller has been building some nice pedals and he is offering them for a pretty good price.  Note that he doesn't do any screening on the pedals so the knobs are not marked and there are no logos - still he's got some cool DIY pedals...

