Peavey T-60 and T-40 Cases, Part II. . . . .

Peavey T-60 and T-40 Cases, Part II. . . . .

I asked Chip a couple of questions - How did the moulded case design come about, 
in order to conclude this piece about the cases and just get get an insight into the 
musical side of him, what his musical experiences were and did they influence the
design of the T's.

These cases show the two piece handle, so when it is picked up, it can't fall open.
There were also some unlined cases, as shown above. with one of my old 
Forty's in it.
So, there were three official cases - the Original Vac formed case, that was dropped in 
favour of the one Chip designed.
The earlier ones had three clasps and the later ones had four, adding another one at the
end, to ensure a tighter fit.
The Fender type ones, with the Olive coloured interior, I have seen with early T-40's
but never with the T-60's - these don't seem to feature as a factory option, so I can't
say how they came about.
One thing is for sure - there are enough of them about, all the same, to say that 
somewhere down the line, these were sold from some dealers in that case.
Perhaps they fancied the stronger cases for themselves??
Who knows?

Chip continues. 

"When I was a kid, I built several rifle cases for my father and designed the handles 
into it so that he wouldn't ruin the guns if he picked it up without remembering the 
That was back in the early 50s, and Ive never made a case since then that had only 
one handle, except the vacuum-formed early Peavey cases. 
Hartley was quite impressed with the safety of the integral handle although it was 
done in other industries in the late 70s".

"I have not been a musician since I was about eight years old. 
I played violin well enough to be in the city's (adult) orchestra, but didn't take up 
music until I was 29 years old, when I went back to college for my mechanical 
engineering degree, ( I had a BS in Commercial Art). 
I repaired instruments the entire time I was in college and only learned guitar 
while in college the second time. 
I only learned finger-picking in the folk style because I was impressed with 
I was told to learn with a pick or I'd never do well with a pick. 
They were right.  
I'm not a musician at all. 
Because of a botched left hand operation to install two carbon-fiber knuckles, 
I can't chord the most simple chords, so I don't play anymore. 
I have taken up the short-scale basslets that I build and am having a good time 
with it. 
I don't play bass patterns; I play harmony to the lead and love playing. 
I have no desire to play on the stage or with a group.

The acoustic guitar was my only real guitar playing, so it had no influence on 

my designing the Peavey guitar. 
During my college days when I was repairing instruments, I did build a bunch 
of electric guitars, so learned what players wanted most.  
Hartley told me, "If you and I don't know what guitarists want, we shouldn't be 
getting into the business". 
This was in reference to having a marketing department. 
Even after he finally hired a marketing man, Hartley and I still made the guitar 
decisions until I left to go to Fender.

Back next time with the tail end of the story.

Cheers. :) 

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