Peavey T-60 . . . . The Black one!

Peavey T-60 . . . . The Black one!

This was my "go to" guitar, in the rehearsal room, for a good
couple of years.

This one is the later Blade, with Bat switches.

The all sound slightly different - this one is particularly powerful and 
once you get it singing, it will hold a note for ages.

Not much else I can say about this old fella, that I haven't said already 
about the Peavey T range. 

Just a nice guitar!

Will put up some better shots, in the future - a bunch of the "T's", 
all together.
I was having a bit of trouble with the camera/lighting on this one.
Must try harder!

Next time. . . .  another guitar, that I have had for almost forty years!!
There's a bit more of a story, to that one!

Cheers. :)

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