Peavey Foundation - Line around head. . . . . . .

Peavey Foundation - Line around head. . . . . . .

This is something I have been using quite a bit, over the last few weeks - so
I thought it would be a good time to give it a mention.

This is the Made in the USA, earlier "line around head" version, with the 
Peavey "P" control knobs.
It has the same Super Ferrite pick-ups that my Foundation Fretless has,
which is one of the main reasons I wanted a Fretted version.
See here:
Peavey Foundation Fretless 

There have been various descriptions of these pick-ups but if you put 
them all together, the message that comes through is "like a Jazz but 
with more muscle"! 
They really do have a tone of their own.
This guy does a really great demo.

It has a slender Jazz type neck, that is so easy to play.
Just a really nice bass - what more can I say.
As with a lot of other Peavey products, they are often overlooked for
the "more established" brands but trust me, if you ever get the chance 
to have a go on one, I think you'll be hooked.

Next time I will do my old Aria CSB-450, set neck, medium scale - in 
an AV - Antique Violin finish - I think that's what it's called??
It was out gigging with a friend, at the weekend, so I thought I would
strike while the iron is hot.
The 450 is one of the Medium/Short scale basses I bought, when I was
having some issues with my left hand, which thankfully is now all sorted.

Cheers. :)

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