Parker P36 Leather Wrapped Guitar from 2008 with Piezo pickup

Parker P36 Leather Wrapped Guitar from 2008 with Piezo pickup

I have a love/hate relationship with Parker guitars. I've played a few of them and they have all played and sounded great. I love that they are inventive with design and were one of the first, I believe, to offer piezo acoustic sounds as a standard item on their guitars.

Now for the hate: I think they are ugly.

It's that plain and simple. Though i often love "ugly" or non-conventional designs almost wholly because of said ugliness, i cannot find love for the Parker.

This leather wrapped Parker P36 is no exception to the rule. It's almost as if they found a way to make it even less attractive to me. Luckily there are only 144 of these reptile-meets-bovine atrocities out there so I'll not likely be seeing one in real life.

What do you all think? Is there love for Parker out there?

R.W. Haller

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