Oma's Organ

Oma's Organ

The photo managed to capture all the audio quality on offer...

  I don't know what make or model it was, but my Dutch grandma's (Oma's) cheap solid-state organ was the first real instrument I ever played.  I always felt pianos were a little lacking when I actually got my fingers on one as I was growing up.  I can't hep it; I was destined to be an electric musician.  My brother and I loved the hilarious rhythm patches and the endless, electronically enhanced sustain on offer from this crazy thing.  My brother was adept at building big sus 4 chords that caused tingles up our spines.  Even then, we would be tweaking all the controls, searching for some magic tone that was always tantalizingly out of our grasp.  That volume pedal was irresistable: who could resist maxing the volume while some crazed transistorized pseudo-Leslie vibrato was threatening to shake down the rather overbuilt rafters in Oma and Opa's DIY house?  It certainly earned some verbal shakedowns from the Oma.
  I'm thinking about this because I am revelling in accessing some organ-like tones from some new toys, (and some old ones).  I've never considered myself an acoustic guitarist; I am, proudly and unashamedly, an ELECTRIC GUITARIST.  I love fuzz tones and phasers and tremelos and echos and all the toys.  I like to make textures happen that are not available acoustically.  I want to be the virtuoso of my Oma's lousy organ, and electric guitar is my Yellow Brick Road.

- Univox M340 Guitar Organ Before the guitar synth there was the guitar organ. We looked at the Vox V251 guitar organ before (and there's a fantastic picture of one in the 2012 Guitarz Calendar - there are still a few left so buy your copy now before it's...

- El-gitarrorgel - A Hybrid Guitar/electric Organ From Sweden Hi, thanks again for maintaining such a great blog. Here is something you might like from a swedish auction site: Below is a translation, some info is repeated and the first line is a classic, but...

- Hammond L-112 Tube Tonewheel Organ In El Segundo Ca For $100 - Keith Emerson Model!
I am not an organ expert but I do know that Keith Emerson of ELP used this particular model on stage for many years to get his distinctive sound.  the L-112 is basically a B-3 without the "percussive click" sound (Hammond Engineers adjusted the tone...

- Fender 1960-63 Brownface Concert 2x12 For $150 - Do Not Call!
This listing went up today and it was GONE within a couple of hours - but it's just the sort of thing we all look out for so I wanted to list it here. This seller "Andy" listed his "Vintage Fender Concert Amp with Marshall 2x12 Speakers"...

- 1956 Hammond B3 Organ In La Ith Leslie, Tone Cab, Etc For $5750
I listed another B3 recently that was in NJ for about $7K so I couldn't let this one go by - this is the even more deisreable sytyle with the less ornate legs and carving - this one has all tghe accesories, Tone Cab, Necklace Reverb 122 Leslie - and...

