new planck guitar!

new planck guitar!


Started to work on a new planck guitar for a friend musician in France - the plan is to make it as quick and as roughly than the previous one... This friend has similar music tastes as mines: huge sound, heaps of effect pedals, complete chaos, so I imagine that what he expects is more a hurricane trigger than a playable instrument!

Maybe I finally found my niche: one-off handmade cheap ugly awful guitars for noise musicians! As for the Mystery Guitar, the gear is recycled from previous projects left-overs, the body was picked in the street, the alu plate was lying around, only the neck comes from eBay - a cheap but honest strat neck with real tuners (I've seen worse!)

Hopefully to be finished next week! (and you can see that I finally have access to a band saw, so I will revive other projects and cut a couple of bodies soon, at last!)

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