new Kawai Aquarius blog

new Kawai Aquarius blog

I just started a side blog about the Kawai Aquarius - that is not only my first guitar but a very honorable and underrated one, about which it is quite difficult to find any information since Kawai stopped guitar production in the late 80s.

I managed to put on this blog scans of old Kawai catalogues of the late 70s / early 80s - I think that they were not accessible online before and hope that this will be useful for someone.

So you are welcome to visit this blog of course, but also to contribute if you've been or are a Kawai Aquarius owner or player and have pictures, stories, recordings, videos, etc. that you can share with the web.

- Fender Custom Shop Gold Over Paisley Heavy Relic Stratocaster I've always been clear about the fact that I don't like strats and that I loathe so-called relic finishes. Once in a while though, it's good to have one's certainties shaken, and I really enjoy this Fender Custom Shop...

- R.l. Burnside: See My Jumper Hanging On The Line (1978) Grégory asks: What guitar is that? Looks like a Teisco or Kawai from the late 60s early 70s... The video is from 1978. What's that piece of metal doing on the top of the fretboard? That's not just a fret zero... Any...

- 1968 Kawai Roundback Acoustic - Japanese Ovation Glen Campbell Copy I'm going to be lazy and lift the details about this Kawai guitar straight from the seller's description on eBay. When it's already been said so well, why re-write it? The downright weirdness of this guitar may be lost...

- Customized Kawai Aquarius Custom
My very first electric guitar, bought in 1982 (a gift from my dear mother, may she be blessed, she didn't know), at the time when Japanese guitars were so despised that the seller told me that it was "a mistake for the japs to have made such a good...

- Kawai Houndog Taylor 4 Pickup Mij Slide Guitar $275 In Sf Bay Area
I had oneof these Kawai Hound Dog guitars a few years back and I really liked the raunchy slide tone - and these things are built like tanks. $275 is about what they go for now - I think I paid $200 for mine back then. This one looks fairly complete....

