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Music of the week: Parlement/Funkadelic live in Houston in 1976, and 200 Motels of Frank Zappa - on video then CD... Isn't it amazing how Zappa's rigorous approach to his music would result in such humorous freedom? Sometimes I wish I could just let go and make this kind of music, but though I love humour and comedy, when it comes to my music I'm so very stern!

Also lately while listening to 1970s jazz-rock, I was wondering why many of my jazz friends seem to be kind of stuck in naively brainy and cold compositions and cannot reach the vigorous sensuality and liberty of the previous generation who they claim are their inspiration... 

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Music of the week: one of the musicians who influenced me the most is Marc Ribot. I saw him on stage in the early 1990s - a little bit by chance, all I knew about him was that he was playing for Tom Waits - and he blew my mind: it was like nothing...

- Yuri Landman Ensemble And M185 At The Siluh Records Label Night At Waves Vienna
I've had a pretty good time last Friday, as I joined the Yuri Landman Ensemble for a concert at the Waves Vienna festival. The Yuri Landman Ensemble is an ever changing band project created, directed by, playing compositions...

- More Sketches
Music of the week: I listened to many things and nothing really stood out, but I notice that more and more of my Facebook friends listen to and post about folk and neo-folk music, mostly guitar based... I wouldn't listen to this spontaneously but...

- More Sketches
As you can notice I kept working on my last week's idea of wood + plexiglas + aluminium guitar...  Music of the week: as strange as it may seem if you know my tastes in music, lately I really enjoyed Azealia Banks' video of...

- More Sketches
Musik of the week: I've been listening to several Radiohead concerts from the 1990s and 2000s on YouTube... Back in the 90s I wasn't listening so much to pop/rock, I was mostly into noise and experimental music, Japanese easy listening, cosmo-pop...

