more neckless guitar sketches

more neckless guitar sketches

If the concept behind the neckless guitar project proves successful, there are plenty of possible variations (OK, some are over the edge, but there are 2 or 3 that would be quite cool). Unfortunately I'm very busy on another project right now, and soon I will have a working session with Daniel Schorno on the crackle guitar project, so the neckless one has to wait a little bit...

- Melobaritone Project 2
I started to work on the Doppelcaster but my brain is still busy with the Melobaritone idea... I did put some more thinking on it, and updated the project (I want a new instrument, not just a Melobar copy). First I would do it with an aluminium neck...

- Crackle Guitars Gear
Finally gathered the gear for the crackle guitars project - the problem being that the strings are also contacters for the crackle circuit, so they have to be isolated from each other and have separated contacts on the body to connect to the electronics...

- More Double-neck And Neckless Guitar Sketches
I realized that since double-neck guitars are mostly stage guitars - in the studio you can just change your guitar - they follow other ergonomic rules - and they don't need the lower curve to rest on the leg (I assume that most player stand...

- Neckless Guitar Studies
Slowly but steadily, the neckless guitar project progresses... I have now the wood - it's beech wood, rarely used for solid bodies but - like birch wood - much appreciated usually for drums and speakers... I decided finally to go for a Wilkinson bridge...

- New Project: Crackle Guitar
No guitar making nor sketches these last days, I'm on travel, but the brain is still active. I met a few days ago with my friend and experimental electronic musician Daniel Schorno who works at STEIM Amsterdam (Studio for Electro-Instrumental...

