Kawai Aquarius blog

Kawai Aquarius blog

There is a particularly interesting new post on the Kawai Aquarius blog, with German rock band Abraxas guitarist Sven Hirschfeld telling the story of his Aquarius and its several modifications over the last 30 years - until it reaches what he considers the best guitar ever!

Something you won't read anywhere else, about a completely obscure an underrated little jewel.

- Fender Custom Shop Gold Over Paisley Heavy Relic Stratocaster
guitarz.blogspot.com I've always been clear about the fact that I don't like strats and that I loathe so-called relic finishes. Once in a while though, it's good to have one's certainties shaken, and I really enjoy this Fender Custom Shop...

- Print Version Of Sustain
I just received the print version of the 1st issue of new luthiery magazine Sustain that had the good idea to publish an interview of yours truly as-a-guitar-maker - you can order it or download it for free on the website of the Fellowship...

- Ok, Serious Stuff Now
So I've been postponing the making of my guitar projects probably also because, well, I just have to start from zero... Drawing and designing I can do easily but about guitar technics, the further I've been so far is restringing - and not as...

- Customized Kawai Aquarius Custom
My very first electric guitar, bought in 1982 (a gift from my dear mother, may she be blessed, she didn't know), at the time when Japanese guitars were so despised that the seller told me that it was "a mistake for the japs to have made such a good...

- Kawai Houndog Taylor 4 Pickup Mij Slide Guitar $275 In Sf Bay Area
I had oneof these Kawai Hound Dog guitars a few years back and I really liked the raunchy slide tone - and these things are built like tanks. $275 is about what they go for now - I think I paid $200 for mine back then. This one looks fairly complete....

