Jaguar user's manual

Jaguar user's manual

Though I play my Fender Jaguar HH for a few months already, I had not so far managed to really understand what all these switches and knobs are really about (I just found my right setting and stuck to it since) - since I bought this guitar second hand, I had no user's manual and I couldn't get anything usable on Fender's official website.

So it took me a while but I finally found a few days ago what I was looking for on, and understood that on a Jaguar you have two independent settings you can preset and switch to very easily. The Fender old-timers will think I'm dumb but really, I had no way to know that before - none of my previous guitars have this kind of system...

And, well, I love this guitar...

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- A Les Trem Ii For My Jaguar Special Hh
I added a Duesenberg Les Trem II vibrato to my Jaguar Special HH  (my concert guitar) and I'm very happy with it! Never been a big whammy bar user, but lately I started to feel the need for it, either for improvised music (can't work...

- Korg Volca Bass And Beats
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- Ok, Serious Stuff Now
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- 1962 Fender Jaguar - Custom Black - Mostly Original In Chatanooga Tn For $1500
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