in the neighbourhood

in the neighbourhood

Lucky me! In my own neighbourhood, I found some support for my projects, at Nick Page Guitars. They make beautiful chambered aluminium glued front guitars, super light and with a nice twangy sound. Their website show mostly telecaster clones but they have better on the working bench, one claimed to be the merge of a Rickenbacker 4001 and a Fender Mustang (sorry, no pics - but believe me, it really works).

What were the odds that I would find just around the corner people who have similar demands and ideas for their guitars? Good to have someone who didn't look at me like I'm bizarre when I described my projects and asked for advice.

- Vintage & Rare Guitar Of The Week: 2012 Nick Page Gott 4 Paisley Bass This Gott 4 bass is an original design from Berlin's Nick Page Guitars, featuring a Swamp Ash body and American Maple neck and fingerboard. The design has some Rickenbacker influences, whilst the paisley finish must surely be...

- Headstocks And Stuff
So here I am with my DIY telecaster... First the mate transparent black finish I want is not something you can just get from a shop apparently... It seems that I have to combine a pigment and a varnish - so I will meet an art carpenter in the coming...

- Ok, Serious Stuff Now
So I've been postponing the making of my guitar projects probably also because, well, I just have to start from zero... Drawing and designing I can do easily but about guitar technics, the further I've been so far is restringing - and not as...

- More Concrete Stuff
This is the raw material for the two guitars project - one cheap one to try out - doesn't mean it will be bad, and also if it works I will upgrade what is upgradable - then the main project. So number one will be a seven string guitar with a second...

- Sound Projects Amp In Athens Ga For $150
Note - this little Sound Projects may be similar to the R100 meaning it may use a 50C5 power tube - or it could be a 50L6 - either way it will be low wattage transformerless - unless you get lucky and it is an R400 style with the EL84 also there is no...

