Ibanez Flying Vee. . . . .

Ibanez Flying Vee. . . . .

A true blast from the past!!

This picture was taken around 1980, I think - just before a serious 
lack of funds, meant that I had to let it go.

I have no idea where it is now but it had a unique stainless steel
scratch-plate which had a machine turned design on it.

The shot is not very good, as it was taken on a Kodak Instamatic,
which was not the best bit of kit!!
I have managed to convert to digital, from some recently found 
negatives, with a handy negative scanner.
I had it's original case and drew a lot of attention, when the case 
was opened.
It was 33 years ago, so if I'm honest, I can't remember much about it.
I guess quite collectable, now.

Back soon with another Ibanez Guitar - thought I would do more of
the Six Strings.

Cheers. :)

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