how they should look like...

how they should look like...

a little bit of paint and alu foil and I have now a rough idea of how these guitars are going to look...
next step will be now to build the seven string (on the right) out of OSB.

you probably noticed that since the last post the 7-string has been reshaped, it's now more compact and closer to the original sketch ; still it's a quite special design, a good combination I think of ergonomic and aesthetic, with inputs from 'modern tradition' (Japanese style long lower horn, like the prodigious Tokai Humminbird reissued by Eastwood Guitars) and innovation.
the OSB model will show if this design is as comfortable as expected.

- My Own Signature Guitar
I usually sketch many guitars, week after week, any kind of guitars, just for research purpose and without any restriction. Then I was thinking about the guitar I would really want for myself, and I came up with this model that gathers a few things...

- Baritone Project Sketches
Making my 7-string project, I realized that the long lower horn is a problem, and since I planed a similar one for the baritone project, I have to modify its design. And it looses its balance with a shorter horn so everything must reajust... First new...

- Kaoss Padded Guitar
Lately the guitar internet is buzzing about Manson's MB1, Matt Bellamy's signature guitar, with its famous embedded KAOSS pad. Since I know this guitar, I love the idea - I used some heavy electronics on guitars myself and I much prefer this use...

- More Sketches (and A Few Comments And Links)
I don't like so much forcefully fancy guitars, mostly not the "metal" ones ridiculously trying to look fierce (and worse when they are handled by graybeard musicians). On the other hand, when 90% of nowadays guitars are just boring Strat/Tele/Les...

- Bridge And Tuners For The Headless Design
Having settled on a headless design, one of the next questions was which bridge and tuners to use. A small number of bridges with built-in tuners already exist, e.g. the ABM or the Steinberger. Unfortunately, they are all fairly expensive, and it was...

