His Latest Flame pt. 2, the video/demo

His Latest Flame pt. 2, the video/demo

Disaster DIY - Frankentele Cabronita Edition
  So recently I made a trade and acquired a frankly pretty dodgy DIY take on the Fender Tele Cabronita (you can read more about it here and here).  Although there is much to be desired about the workmanship and some fixes that are pretty immediately necessary, I am kind of captivated by this guitar.
  I slapped some new Grover tuners on it shortly after I got it to replace some hilarious old Japanese tuners that were all geared backwards.  I popped the neck off to see what was going on in there and was disappointed to see a lot of sawdust.  Sure enough, reattaching the neck proved that the neck screws could brook no purchase in the stripped screw holes.  This may have something to do with the string alignment which is a bit south of the mark.  So I'll be taking her to a local tech/guitar builder to have stainless steel inserts installed that will anchor the neck with machine bolts and we'll fine tune the alignment at the same time.  I'll also have another string-tree installed, the truss-rod tweaked and a basic set-up job done.  I want to ditch the backwards control plate and go to a standard tele 3-way switch, volume knob, tone knob arrangement as well, with a push-pull pot allowing access to a two-humbucker out-of-phase setting.
The neck/string alignment definitely needs some attention...

  In the meantime, I haven't been able to resist the urge to take it out and play it.  The combination of Fender snap and humbucker growl is irresistible, and it's been a long time since I played anything other than my ES-335 (in standard tuning, anyway).  Unstable neck pocket or no, the FrankenCab has incredible sustain and the combination of its body style and underwound, twangy humbuckers translate the most subtle nuances of touch.  I've been having some fun with this thing!  I can grab dark, smooth Gibson-and-Gretsch rhythm tones with the volume and tone knobs attenuated, then nail screaming tele tones with a turn of a knob (or two).  It's so different than my 335 when you open it up, that you can't help but go to different places; my major tele hero is Albert Collins, so I've been copping his attitude a bit.  I can see the utility of this guitar in almost any style, though, as there's so much there on tap.
  I though I'd put a video/demo together to share the joy with all you readers (and there's quite a few more of you since Joe Gore was kind enough to repost my articles on the Kay/Univox Effector on his Tonefiend blog).  I put together a little old-school country piece to highlight the Cabronita's traditional tele tones.  All the guitar tracks were recorded with the Cabronita including the faux-lapsteel.  Now, a traditional  country set-up for a tele features light strings, low action and an almost relief-less neck (if I may generalize), but this guitar is not set-up that way at all: the FrankenCab is strung with .11s, set with fairly tall action, and (for now), a bit too much neck relief, with the result that some pretty common country moves (ie. compound bends) get pretty difficult.  Add the poor neck alignment and my high E-string almost hanging off the fretboard and, yeesh, there ain't gonna' be any shredding.  ;)  So bear with me. Also, the bridge pickup sounded a little too gonzo in this setting, particularly recorded direct in the digital realm, so you'll have to wait for future posts to hear much of its grooviness (it is used as the scratchy rhythm guitar).  I'll post a more rock oriented demo soon, so we can check out its affinity to distortion and fuzz.  Hope you enjoy the tune!

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- Frankentele Cabronita - Post-op
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- The Kay Effector, Pt.2 - The Review
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