Happy Ending to my Texas Guitar Ripoff

Happy Ending to my Texas Guitar Ripoff

Here are the pics of my latest cherished posession - 1956 Harmony H44 Stratotone - 100% original including case and original ultra-skinny neck strap.

And the pic at the bottom is the original pic That the initial seller emailed to me of the guitar after he posted it on Craigslist in Texas.


Well, I thought it was a lost cause but thanks to an honorable "guitar reseller" in Texas I eventually got the Guitar I was scammed out of - my 1956 Harmony H44 Stratotone neck thru electric in Copper.

The identical guitar showed up on eBay and I contacted the seller and after explaining that I'd paid the owner for it and he never sent it to me he boxed it up and shipped it to me - all I had to do was reimburse him for the money he lost.

Yippee! It arrived today and it is unbelievable! They are everything they are rumored to be (if you like fat necks and awesome tone).

I will post pics when i get the chance. - Jim C

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