Epiphone Mo'Baby. A travel sized version of the Gibson Moderne

Epiphone Mo'Baby. A travel sized version of the Gibson Moderne


I've always regarded the Gibson Moderne as an important piece of guitar history and Gibson lore. From it's early days as a Gibson that basically didn't really exist, to the reissues with varying headstock designs, it certainly holds a place in the pantheon of electric guitar. 

But, I don't really like it. 

Here we have another reissue under the Epiphone flag that turns the Moderne into a smaller travel sized offering. This somehow makes more sense to me as a concept even if branding it "Mo'Baby" is a tad ridiculous.

I wonder if there is the option of keeping the built in speaker on while playing through an outboard amp as well. And if it would offer any string response or feedback to do so. Has anyone tried this wit speaker equipped electric guitars?

R.W. Haller

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