concert pictures

concert pictures

with Soft Power Ensemble of Vienna in Interpenetration Festival, Stadtpark Forum, Graz.
Solo in das Werk, Vienna.
with Soft Power Ensemble of Vienna in Einmöbelbau, Vienna.

- Soft Power Ensemble Of Vienna In Musikraumgarage
Soft Power Ensemble of Vienna will play at Musikraumgarage on March 22 2016 at 21:00 and the concert will be visible on livestream. ...

- Soft Power Ensemble Of Vienna Will Play In Fluc, Vienna
I'm playing in two days in Fluc with the Soft Power Ensemble of Vienna - that's where our band made its first concert one year ago… We've been playing several shows since, in Vienna and around, and recorded an album (mixing starts...

- Gearing Up For Coming Concerts
I will have a few concerts in the coming weeks - solo and with the Soft Power Ensemble of Vienna. Here is my pedal line for my improvised solo act next week - as you can see I added an EHX Holy Stain multi-effect to the line, that...

- Soft Power Ensemble Of Vienna Live
A new video of my many guitars parametric improvisation band Soft Power Ensemble of Vienna - this time  performing in das Werk in Vienna last week. There is a great alchemy between the members of this band - something that is not easy to achieve...

- More Sketches
music of the week: well, the music that thrills me lately is the one I play in my new music projects, the most advanced being the Soft Power Ensemble of Vienna, a many guitars improvisation orchestra that will play its first concert on January 29th...

