Beautiful Watson Mustang copy guitar. A made in Japan 1970s Fender copy

Beautiful Watson Mustang copy guitar. A made in Japan 1970s Fender copy

There's a rare elegance to this made in Japan Watson Mustang that you do not usually find on the Mustang. Don't get me wrong, I love Mustangs, but they most are often associated with a more rock and roll aesthetic.

This 1970s Kiro Suzuki made Mustang gets its great look from an awesome wine colour that has aged to vintage perfection.

R.W. Haller

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- Kiro Suzuki And Grand Guitar Co. Acoustics With Relative Sound Hole. While doing a little research into Suzuki guitars for a possible repair/purchase I came across these pictures on a facebook group dedicated to Suzuki guitar fans. Apparently these old Suzuki guitars are amongst the best for made...

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