Andreas by Infeld stratoid guitar

Andreas by Infeld stratoid guitar

We recently saw the radical Andreas Fierce Shark, here is a more tamed model by Andreas (in collaboration with Austrian guitar strings company Thomastik-Infeld), still with the typical mix of elegance and high-tech design, soft coat finish and brushed aluminium plates, but a more classic stratocaster pickups configuration.


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- Wandrè Davoli Tigre Bass It's been too long since we last showed a Wandrè on Guitarz: here is a very cool light blue Davoli Tigre bass. It's one of the later designs of Wandrè, and is not as radical as his earlier models,...

- From France... The Daguet Dagrite 2 The guitar pictured here is a Daguet Dagrite 2 belonging to Guitarz reader Rhodri Kasperbauer (we've previously looked at another one of his guitars, an Austrian-made Andreas Fierce Shark). He comments that: To be honest, it's...

- Godin Multiac Jazz The Godin Multiac Jazz is not designed to look impressive, but to sound impressive - and that's something that you can easily spot (and the F-holes are extremely elegant still) in this guitar combining classicism and high-tech...

- One-off über-psychedelic Migma Doubleneck Bass/guitar Who can think of former East-Germany as a place and time of stern and dull design? Look at this  Migma doubleneck bass/guitar (it sports no brand but its look and finish cry Migma - there were some models shared...

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