80s-tastic Hondo Model 781 Explorer-style guitar with bizarro graphics

80s-tastic Hondo Model 781 Explorer-style guitar with bizarro graphics

Hondo guitars seem to invoke either a love 'em or loathe 'em response from most guitarists, with some proclaiming that they were always worthless pieces of unplayable junk whilst others argue to the contrary that they were - and continue to be - excellent workhorse instruments. The above pictured is a deluxe Hondo Model 781, a 1980s guitar that wouldn't look out of place in the obligatory hair metal bands of that era, and which marries together design elements from Gibson (obviously, the Explorer body shape) and Fender (the bolt-on maple neck, Strat-style trem, and Tele-like control plate), and then finishes it all off with graphics that look to be inspired partly by Eddie Van Halen and partly by Spiderman.

Currently being offered for sale on eBay with a not unreasonable Buy It Now price of $199.95.

G L Wilson

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