1981 Westone doublecut electric guitar

1981 Westone doublecut electric guitar

Kaizerart, the French seller of this Westone doublecut guitar from 1981 refers to it as being "70 Years" model, a reference that is lost on me. It's one of the earlier Japanese-made Westones from the 1980s, from before the better known models such as the Thunder, Concorde and Spectrum series. It's essentially a double cutaway Les Paul style guitar (albeit with simpler controls), with an arched top, set neck, and Bordeaux red finish.

This guitar is currently being offered for sale on EBay France with over five days left for the auction to run and with bidding currently just over €50 at the time of writing. If anyone can explain the "70 Years" reference to me, please leave a note in the comments.

G L Wilson

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