1980s Ned Steinberger-designed Gibson 20/20 Bass

1980s Ned Steinberger-designed Gibson 20/20 Bass

Ned Steinberger's later guitars and basses whilst still being full of innovation never quite had the same impact as his now legendary minimalist headless L-series bass guitars, originally produced in 1979 in Brooklyn, New York. Here is one of his later 1980s' bass designs for Gibson, a model that has sunk almost without trace into obscurity. I remember a more youthful version of me seeing some of these instruments at a Music Show in Kensington, London, back in the day and am ashamed to say that I said rather loudly something along the lines of, "Oh look, Steinberger have invented the headstock!" I also remember all too well the dirty look I received from the guy on the booth. He'd probably heard the same thing 100 times already that day.

Currently being auctioned on eBay, with bidding at $510 at the time of writing. (Item located in Waterloo, Illinois).

G L Wilson

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